Sales Representative


(905) 356-9600
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Sales Representative


(905) 356-9600
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The REALTOR Commitment

The REALTOR Commitment

You’re trusting a REALTOR® with your most valuable possession, your home. REALTORS® take this responsibility very seriously. Here’s what we promise you.

Your REALTOR® is highly trained.

REALTOR® training is so rigorous that candidates often fail the pre-registration courses. Those who do pass must master a long, diverse list of subjects ranging from housing construction to family law.

Your REALTOR® is continuously trained.

We keep pace with the times. All Licensed REALTORS® must take continuing education courses to make sure their knowledge on subjects like legal issues and technology are up to date.

Your REALTOR® does everything by the book.

A licensed REALTOR® must be registered under provincial laws that govern exactly how real estate can and cannot be traded. These regulations are your legal guarantee of professional behavior.

Your REALTOR® is an ethical businessperson.

REALTORS® must adhere to the extensive Code of Ethics of the Canadian Real Estate Association. Several provinces have additional Codes of Ethics governing the behaviour of real estate professionals. Your interests must always be put first.

Your dealings with a REALTOR® are insured.

For your peace of mind, provincial regulators sponsor consumer protection programs that may require, for instance, that REALTORS® maintain Errors and Omissions Insurance. Often deposits consumers make in real estate transactions are also insured under these programs.

Opportunity for recourse.

Should you have concerns about the professional behavior of a REALTOR®, provincial regulators and your local real estate board or association take these matters very seriously and work quickly to resolve any issues.

Your REALTOR ® has access to the real estate board’s Multiple Listing Service (MLS).

The MLS system is the single most powerful tool for buying and selling a home. It is a complex information-sharing and cooperative marketing network created by REALTORS® to help consumers buy and sell homes.


Source:  OREA (Ontario Real Estate Association)

Have Questions?

Shannon Richard

Shannon has been actively trading in Real Estate since 2004 and has successfully put together 300+ home sales. She attributes her personal success to the fact that she considers professionalism, trustworthiness and ability to negotiate the utmost important skills when buying or selling Real Estate. When she pairs these qualities with her knowledge of the Niagara market and her dedication to assisting clients in one of their most important decisions, she ends up achieving her goal of complete client satisfaction.

Shannon has been with the ReMax Niagara Realty Ltd. since obtaining her Real Estate license and has successfully achieved the “Executive Club” award five times and the  “100% Club” award five times. Her most recent designation has been obtaining the “Hall of Fame” award. Shannon looks forward to working toward many more designations in the future. Shannon and John look forward to hearing from you and to helping with all your Real Estate needs.


John Richard

Born and raised in Niagara Region with 20+ years of Sales, Management and Customer Relations experience. Energetic, positive, analytical and assertive best describes John Richard. A top 10% salesperson with 20-30 million in annual sales, and managing up to 100+ employees for the last decade provide the skill set for selling or purchasing your next home or investment property.

Negotiation, salesmanship, marketing and managing are all tools needed especially in today’s real estate market.  Oh… and one last important piece, for the last 14 years, John has been shadowing his wife Shannon Richard, Sales Representative and recent recipient of the RE/Max Hall of Fame award.

John is looking forward to working with you to make your real estate dreams a reality according to your lifestyle.